Give me 3 days and I’ll show how to stay in touch with your network in a lazy, stress-free way without spending a lot of time, and without bugging people.

STOP:  Don’t read this page If…

  • You believe that success, growth and win-win relationships are not necessary and happen by luck

  • You like to spend your days trying to figure out everything by yourself because who needs people?

  • You’re not ready to have a following up system that keeps you in the loop with your network without feeling stressed and overwhelmed

  • You’re not willing to spend a few hours to improve your following up skills significantly

But if you are NOT one of the fact you are the exact opposite, IF…

  • You’re committed to improving yourself so you can continually grow, have better relationships and create a better future.

  • You want to FINALLY stop spending hours going through articles and loading up on useless advice on following up and actually listen to someone who knows what works and is known for being practical and getting results that stick

  • You want your name to be the first name that pops into someone’s brain when your service/product/industry or an opportunity that could be beneficial is mentioned

Then I have some terribly exciting news for you…

Pester-Proof Following Up is THE ONLY online masterclass that shows you how to reconnect, keep in touch and stay top of mind with your network in a stress-free, lazy way in just 3 days.

It covers:

  • How to reach out to people you haven’t spoken to in a long time so you can reconnect

  • How to stay in touch and in the loop with people you meet

  • How to find and prioritize who to keep in touch with

  • Know when to reach out (how much is enough? How much is too much?)

  • Exactly what to say when you reach out so you avoid awkwardness

  • An automated way to capture contact information and never lose it.

  • Time, energy and money saving following up hacks that work everytime.

EVEN if you’re horrible at keeping in touch and have a busy schedule.

Whats included in the Masterclass…

  • A 90-minute masterclass with the clearly broken down pester-proof following up strategy for you to consume in your free time and at your own pace, wherever you are in the world .

Then I’ll give you bonuses that have your busy schedule in mind. These bonuses will help you not stress your pretty brain cells thinking of messages to send and ways to add value without spending any money. I’ve done all the thinking and trial and error for you.

  • Bonus #1: A template with exact following up messages to send for different occasions so that so you can just copy-paste, tweak it to sound like you and move on with your life.

  • Bonus #2: The ‘10 ways to add value without spending any money’ cheatsheet.


What happens once you click the button to pay:

1. You enter a secure checkout where you enter your name, email & number.

2. You pay through the 'ATM card' option [credit/debit card] or pay with bank option or *737 option

3. Once payment has been made, you’ll receive a welcome email within a day [or two if it’s the weekend]

5. If you have any issues, send an email to

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Who am I and why should you listen to me?


My name is Lotanna Ezeogu and I am a Networking & Social Skills Expert.

In case you’ve never heard of me **horrified gasp**, here’s why I am uniquely qualified to tell you everything you have ever wanted to know about following up/keeping in touch.

I am Africa's Premier Networking Expert who has won multiple awards and worked with prestigious local and international brands like Global Enterprise Week [GEW], She Leads Africa, Pan-Atlantic University. I was one of the few entrepreneurs in Nigeria, chosen by the British Council to meet with His Royal Highness Prince Charles on his last Royal Visit.

I have worked with over 200 introverted clients across 4 continents, in just 2 years and helped them go from sucking at putting themselves out there and struggling to make new connections to...being surrounded by win-win relationships and clients that value their work in as little as 13 days.

I started this business because I was sick and tired of watching people who wanted to network  but didn’t have the nature of putting themselves out there...struggle to find a solution BUT not find one, and also because I wanted people to know that there is one...their solution, their salvation and their chance to forever say adios to poor social skills forever and ever amen.

I also wanted to work for myself and make money because food, bills and life. Those are the few achievements / conquests / humble brags I have managed to collect in the last 2 years.

The only thing standing between you and knowing how to keep in touch in a lazy way that doesn’t leave you feeling stressed, overwhelmed or have you coming off as a pest is this masterclass.

This is your chance to have the solution FOREVER.

If you have never heard of me…then please read the success stories below.

Go on, read them. These are some of the shining stars, the hall of famers, the star students that have worked with me in the past. The good thing is none of these people are “special”.

No special education. No secret advantage

Please read these stories and ask yourself, “Are these people an entirely different breed of human?”

Your answer will be a big resounding NO.


It's been 13 days only. In that period, I have attended functions I ordinarily would be afraid to, mixed, mingled, made new connections and kept in touch. I have gained access to a few people I used to idolize from afar. I have hung out and had fun with friends, doing diverse things. I have dressed up and gone out. I have laughed harder than ever before and I am happier than I have been in a long while.

Lesijolu Eite


Summary of my session with Lotanna; Spectacular! I would think that certain people were naturally born with the skill to connect and network with people easily. But in 60 mins she broke it down step-by-step, that even introverts would easily and skillfully connect with others at any gathering, and for the right reasons too. She opened my eyes to things that were right there in front of me, which I never used. She very well knows her onions and I highly recommend her. I look forward to her full course and other sessions.

Anurika Azubuike (@anurikaazub)


I’m not here to tell you why Pester-Proof Following Up is better. I’m here to show you...

And once you have seen it with your own eyes, I promise you this… You will never go back to your old ways again.

The simple fact is this….

Pester-Proof Following Up is THE ONLY online masterclass that shows you how to reconnect, prioritize who to follow up with and stay top of mind in just 3 days.

  • Know any other masterclass that is purely focused on showing you how to follow up with your network the right way in just 3 days

  • Know any other 3-day masterclass that says ‘hey, do it with me and if you don’t like what you get, you can get your money back over the next 30 DAYS, no questions asked’?

  • Know any other masterclass for this price with this amount of testimonials, this amount of support and this amount of bonuses?


The only thing standing between you no longer sucking at keeping in touch is The Pester-Proof Following Up Masterclass.

So now it’s up to you.

When you use Pester- Proof Following Up

  • You don’t have to figure it all out your own,
  • You don’t have to whine, complain and grumble about the slow progress

  • You don’t have to worry about not knowing what to say

  • You never have to wonder how you should segment your network

  • You never have to worry about how often to reach out

  • You don’t have to be frustrated of trying to piece together a million things.

When you use The Pester-Proof Following Up

  • You have a system that keeps you in the loop and top of mind

  • You get better friendships and win-win relationships quickly/You save yourself years of trial and error + super expensive mistakes

  • You know exactly what to say and when

  • You know how to prioritize and save yourself hours of time.

  • You never ever have to ask the ‘how much is enough, how much is too much?’ question again.

  • You can finally start having better friendships and win-win relationships quickly

With my 100% money-back guarantee, there’s absolutely no risk on your part, heck I am taking all the risk for you. So when it comes right down to it, there’s really only one rational thing to do. You know it, I know it and now it’s time to show everyone else.

Let’s Do the Math…

You could read articles on Google with surface advice and waste the one resource you can never get back… your TIME and still not get results.

OR You could Invest in a broad masterclass that runs for months or even a year and spend between $199 - $2000  losing momentum and waiting for your course mates to catch up to the ONLY portion of the course you really want to learn and have time for right now; following up.

OR You could try to figure it out on your own and spend months trying to piece together all the moving parts.

if you keep doing what you've been doing, you'll keep getting the same results

With The Pester-Proof Following Up Masterclass You’re not only saving money but also getting the ironclad assurance that you'll get a stress-free, lazy system to stay in touch with your network.

Stated differently, if I just handed you this big hunk of cash, would you turn it down?

Think about that before you click away....

How will you celebrate June 1st 2019?

You have watched, absorbed & implemented The Pester-Proof Following Up Masterclass and you’re now a natural at keeping in touch with your network.

You'll feel like your life has been tremendously simplified by this following up system

You'll have so much more time for yourself and your family[ even though your in the loop with your network]

You'll get access to more opportunities with less work

Imagine this day with me…

You wake up in the morning surrounded by people you love whose hearts you've stolen. As you sip your coffee you get a message from a friend asking you if you’re interested in a massive opportunity that landed on her desk that she thinks you’ll be a perfect fit for.

Now, picture this…

What if there was something that allowed you to do this, to create this day, this life, this existence?

Because there IS...

that allows you have more win-win relationships without feeling stressed or overwhelmed so that you can finally become a natural at keeping in touch with your network in as little as 3 days even if you barely have time to make your own bed

Now is your time and THIS is your chance.

I want you to try ​The Pester-Proof Following Up Masterclass at my risk. Because I know it works but you don’t …yet!

If you aren’t 100% satisfied, and I mean even 1% unhappy, let me know within 30 days, even though you will get everything in a fraction of that time, I’ll be happy to refund…no questions asked! I mean it, because if you’re unhappy then I don’t want your money.


I value our relationship and my reputation way more than a few bucks.

Take The Pester-Proof Following Up Masterclass for a 30-day test drive... make sure it delivers on everything it promises to do which is;

  • show you how to reconnect

  • how to prioritize who to keep in touch with

  • know when to reach out to them

  • exactly what to say when you reach out

so you can build meaningful relationships and stay top of mind with your network in a stress-free, lazy way in just 3 days even if you’re horrible at keeping in touch and have a busy schedule.

So go ahead, buy now – you have plenty of time to go through everything and decide if this is the right fit for you. But you’ll never know unless you take a chance and invest in yourself.